
after the party
general info
location & map
food supply
wacky wheels
buenzli & evoke

PAiN - Calodox - Vantage - Xibalba - Fake That and


It's done! Buenzli 12 is going to be real. After some time of searching for a new location, we finally found the 'Kirchgemeindehaus' in Winterthur. The hall is very big and at least as noble as our past locations. Read everything about it on our special Buenzli 12 pages - and don't forget to note this somewhere:

Buenzli 12, 29. - 31. August 2003 in Winterthur, Switzerland.

This date has carefully been selected to not collide with other scene parties like Assembly or Evoke and of course, important for Swiss people, with the Streetparade.

You're not finding the right way to the location? You have other problems? Call our Hotline: 0041 52202 4685 which will be be "online" starting from Friday noon. Also subscribe to the free SMS Newsletter (provided by Infomotion) for all kind of last minute information: Send an SMS containing BUENZLI ON to 20199 (for Swiss mobile subscribers) or to 0041 79718 6667 (for Non-swiss mobile subscribers).
We're offering a very cheap and good food & beverages supply (provided by You don't have to bring your own food. Just make sure you have some Swiss francs left, since we're only selling food in that currency. Read about the menu list and what we've got for you here..
We shut down the prepaying possibility. If you decide to come to Buenzli 12, please pay directly at the door (CHF 45.- for Swiss people and EUR 27.- for Non-Swiss people). The visitors ticket (where you only have access to the tribune and from Saturday 16:30h to the end of the competitons) is a lot cheaper. More details are up here in a few days!. If you prepayed are not marked with the '$'-sign in our list yet please make sure to bring the transfer-recipt! Combined Evoke ticket is still availabe, just bring your Evoke-Bracelet!
If you come by car, we can offer you cheap parking places! Since the location is in the middle of the city, there aren't any free parking lots right beside. We give you a three day pass for a nearby car-parking for CHF 15.- (EUR 10.-). Read here how you can buy that three-day pass!
Our competition infos & rules got updated. We changed the rules for the Tracked Music Competition as following: We also accept 'modern' tracker formats like Renoise and MadTracker. We also give you a description of the player we'll use to play the modules.
The bigger and more important change is this one: We now decided to accept email submissions for our competitions, however, it's still appreaciated if the creator of the entry is at Buenzli - in case of troubles with an entry we'll just disqualify it if we can't reach the creator at the partyplace. Read more!
Hiob International and PCP.CH support us too! Read more.
Beside our fun competitions we now offer another great entertainment feature. The Swiss electronic music project Shaper will play a life gig on the Buenzli stage. Read more about them on their website and be sure to not miss this event! Special passive visitor tickets for the concert combined with the competitions will be available at the entrance desk.
We're very happy to announce, that Buenzli is now an official cultural event of the city of Winterthur! Also, the city gives us financial security. Thanks, Winterthur!
We proudly present the Buenzli 12 Invitation Intro by Vantage. It's a GBA (Game Boy Advance) intro created by Killer/Vantage, Skyrunner/Vantage and Fred/Calodox. For people who have no GBA or do not want to use a GBA emulator we even provide a mpg4-version (xvid). Be sure to grab the intro and enjoy it! (update: use the pad for scrolling, buttons for page flipping)
Download GBA intro (230Kb) | Download GBA intro (230Kb, | Download MPG4 (40MB,, fast) | Download MPG4 (40MB,
  Remember the ever popular Wacky Wheels racing game (copied as 'Mario Kart' by Nintendo)? We do, and that's why we're proud to present you this very special competition. Read more about it on our special Wacky Wheels page.

We added a few new companies to our sponsors list. Cablecom will sponsor the Internet uplink, while finesse(n) partyservice is reponsible for the food support (cheap!) and running the bar. Sky Consulting does provide us with enough backup batteries for the Wacky Wheels Outdoor Race.

The entertainment page is now online! Check out our cool features for this Buenzli! You'll surely find something you'll like.

A preliminary version of the timetable is now online!

As the first demoparties ever, Buenzli and Evoke are proud to bring you a combined ticket for both parties! Since Buenzli takes place just one week after Evoke, we decided to make it easy for you to visit both of those great events. If you're plan to visit Evoke aswell as Buenzli, then you should ask for the combined ticket at the Evoke-entrance. The ticket will be cheaper than the sum of the single tickets. To be informed about upcoming news of the Buenzli and Evoke partnership you should check out our partnership page or
Get ready for 10 days of (almost) non-stop partying!

You run an own website? Why don't you link to us and help promote Buenzli 12? Use the following button or one of the banners that can be found here. Link the banner to

We're proud to announce, that the Buenzli shop is now open! Buy the Buenzli 12 Tshirt and other Buenzli merchandising articles (Cowee, Mug) which help us offering you a great party! Visit the shop!

Check out our list with sleeping facilities: We provide cosy sleeping rooms and if you don't want that, chose one of the provided hotels or rooms.

We finally opened the registering for Buenzli 12! If you want to reserve your seat and/or show us that you will come to the party to allow us to plan it better, don't hesitate and register! To see who's already registered (and prepayed his ticket) have a look at this. When registering in advance, you'll have to pay less than when buying your ticket right at the partyplace (for Swiss people)!

We're pretty proud to present you our new attempt for the website. Designed by Fred and maintained by Unlock, it brings you the latest from the Buenzli organzing team and Buenzli in general as well as information about the upcoming 12th Buenzli which is currently being organized. Enjoy. A German version of the page is currently being created.

During the time after Buenzli Eleven, several reports and photostories popped up out there in the internet [to add you own report/photo collection, send an URL to unlock]
Report by Dixan/Spinning Kids
Photo report by Drift/Spinning Kids
Photos on Slengpung (click your way trough the menus yourself)
PAiN Diskmag - Issue 11/02 contains a full report (partly taken from Dixan)

the last weekend in the 'dampfzentrale' in bern was quite a success, people were interested in the demos we were showing and it might be that one or another will follow the demoscene closer now. thanks to choi and genox for making it possible and being there most of the time. [/unlock].

genox, choi and unlock of vantage will attend the v.i.d, a festival for video art taking place on the upcoming weekend (5., 6. and 7. september), and show demos there. three evenings of non-stop demoshow. of course also some promotional actions for buenzli will happen. be there and have a beer with us. more infos on the dampfzentrale homepage.

this buenzli was the best buenzli ever! thanks to all visitors and attenders for your support! you supported us in a great way - and finally it's you who made the party.

we had had something like 150 - 200 visitors (some of them just for some hours). we had 43 entries in the competition (which were of a very high quality, mostly) and we had 3 days of great fun.

competition results can be found on our results page. we'd like to hear your feedback to the party! send us an email to with points you'd like to mention!

after this year's buenzli party, gargamel, coimbra and posh will leave our team. thanks for all of them for their support and it was a pleasure to work with you.

the buenzli eleven pre-party news can be found on the buenzli eleven website.

Buenzli by SMS
Send an SMS containing 'buenzli on' to 20199 for swiss or +41 79 718 6667 for non-swiss mobile phones to stay up to date about buenzli.

Playing cards
Buenzli supports the Slengpung playing cards. We'll sell about 10 decks at our infodesk. Be fast!


Support Buenzli by buying a CD or DVD
from this site by clicking on the logo: